Day 3, boots on the ground in Goondiwindi (aka Wendy's new adventures in MM4) March 27, 2024

Well, this was more complicated and not as much fun as yesterday....

I'm getting into the swing of things, but the printer played up (not unique to MM4) which put me behind and I met an extremely complex woman with a traumatic background. One of those folk there is no answer for, we simply hold space...

A teenager who needs a paediatric neurology review (anyone got any leads? Will travel...)

Removal of an Implanon, Ferinject infusion where the RN did the cannulation (well, that helped speed up my day!) GPMP/TCA reviews (patients orphaned by exiting of their previous GP), cough, BP/medication review etc, postpartum/neonatal reviews Day 9.

All general GP stuff. I'm finding it difficult to place some of the patients as the results come in (vs I know my regulars), but again, that's not an MM4 thing.

We had Kases and Kebabs for lunch = 3 medical students who move between the hospital and the GP practice presented hospital cases and we all discussed = a great way to learn (for this PGY37 in particular!!).

People are disappointed I'm not staying, but grateful I'm here. The staff are cheerful, helpful, skilled and it's a well-oiled machine. The medicine is complicated by distance (young farmer with IHD until proven otherwise and I want to start Atorvastatin ASAP, but he's 40 min from the chemist, so Saturday will have to do).

So, as I've reported previously (and as I suspected) it is general general practice. It's complicated by not knowing the referral pathways intuitively, and I'm aware that I can't take over the care of all of the people I am seeing this week (I won't have capacity).

But I think it's something I can commit to (as a 1/2 day TH a week and 2-3 weeks a year F2F) until retirement.

Stock photo: not actually me!